Let's Create 50 Fleece Blankets

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Name: Let's Create 50 Fleece Blankets
Date: January 16, 2023
Time: 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM CST
Event Description:

Please see the information below regarding our partnership with Project Linus to create no-sew blankets for our birthday kiddos. We will include them in their Birthday-in-a-Box and during birthday parties. Information is below and attached. Please share to help us reach our goal of 50 blankets!

Join Zoom Meeting -> https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6054186119?pwd=dVdEU3VJTWZYTi9xNkJXT2YvREhKdz09

Meeting ID: 605 418 6119

Passcode: Birthday!

Check out this quick how-to video -> https://youtube.com/watch?v=hTL6bEz8y5c&feature=shares 




Q: If I am not able to make the blankets during this time, is there another opportunity?

A: We have 2 opportunities scheduled on 1/16 @ 11am-1pm and 5pm-7pm CT. Attending the virtual call allows you to share in the laughter and fun we will have as you learn about Project Linus and It's Your Birthday, Inc.  However, if you find you are unable to attend, please contact us.

Q: How will I get the blankets to IYBI for the birthday kiddos?

A: Options: 1. Meet IYBI at Panera (Brentwood Location) on 1/21 from 10am – 11:00am or 5pm-7pm CT; 2: Contact us to arrange a drop off at our office (2900 Frank Scott PKWY, Suite 968B, Belleville, IL 62223); 3. Mail blankets to: PO Box 2222, Florissant, MO 63033

Q: What happens after the blankets are delivered to IYBI?

A: Project Linus will take the blankets and sew their label, identifying it as a Project Linus Blanket. The blankets will be delivered to IYBI for us to include in the Birthday-in-a-Box and at parties for the birthday kiddos.  

Q: What happens if more than 50 blankets are made?

A: We will donate the additional blankets to the Project Linus kiddos.

Q: Can I come to the IYBI office and make the blankets?

A: Yes! Just confirm if you will join us. Our office is very small and we need to limit the number of people.

Q: Do I need to register if I will attend, virtually?

A: No, just dial-in!

Q: Who should I contact with additional question?

A: Please call/text us at 314-623-8301 or email info@itsyourbirthdayinc.org

Contact Information:
Rolanda, Chief Birthday Officer
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